Mission: Cultivate a community of college women who know their value, worth, and identity.
The Beginning
Est. 2017
In 2017, Soul Purpose was birthed out of The Pregnancy Center of Toledo through our campus ministry at The University of Toledo. Originally, the campus organization (PCOC) was offering Pregnancy Center services and mentorship to young women who were facing an unintended pregnancy. We found many girls were facing issues involving lack of self worth, unhealthy relationships, and lack of community. The solution and upstream approach in being “Pro-Life”, we believe is starting at the root and addressing issues that start with value, worth, and identity. We are a ministry connected to Bella Vita Network, bellavitanetwork.org.
Soul Purpose began with the idea that college women were lacking a place where they were taught their value, worth, and identity and bloomed into a community of young women who desire to walk through their college years knowing they have purpose.
We were truly blown away by the amount of girls who wanted to walk out this vision along side of us. We learned quickly that college girls where desperately seeking a safe place, a sisterhood, and a family. Many students come looking for a place to belong, and end up leaving equipped and empowered as young women.
Tiffin University
Tiffin University
In 2019, we partnered with Heartbeat of Fremont Pregnancy Center and helped them launch our second chapter of Soul Purpose. Tiffin University received the message of Soul Purpose as well as Toledo did, and stories of college women learning and growing continued to come.
Looking Ahead
We believe Soul Purpose belongs at every college campus and are excited to see this vision take root all across the Nation. The message of young women learning their infinite value and worth has the potential to change this world. One day, these college students will become wives and mothers and CEO's and Executives and the foundation of their belief system will be impacted through Soul Purpose.